Brad Briggs is the Editorial Director of StreetAuthority. A veteran of the financial publishing industry, Brad manages the team of writers and editors responsible for our premium newsletters, free newsletters, and website. He formerly co-wrote our Maximum Profit premium newsletter and manages our premium subscribers-only newsletter, StreetAuthority Insider.
Brad bought his first stock in high school and has been hooked ever since. After graduating early from college, success in the market enabled him to pay off his student loans and buy his first house. And although he has experience in everything from momentum investing to options, one of his proudest investing accomplishments has been buying and holding on to Apple since 2014.
Brad believes that successful investing doesn't have to be complicated and that anyone can achieve financial independence regardless of background. As Editorial Director, Brad makes it his mission to demystify the world of investing for a wide audience. His writing has been featured in outlets like Yahoo Finance,, and MSN Money, among others.
An experienced powerlifter, Brad spends his time renovating and working on his property in Texas and tending to cattle when not following the market.
Analyst Articles
“I think I’m ready,” she said. I had been waiting for this moment. You see, for the past year my wife and I have been talking about moving. After watching the value of our modest little home soar during the pandemic, the temptation was always there. But now, after giving… Read More
How do you know when a stock can deliver major long-term returns? The simple answer can be summed up in one word: profitability. Read More
How do you know when a stock can deliver major long-term returns? The simple answer can be summed up in one word: profitability. Read More
Our expert analyst sees more than a few red flags that we need to be aware of. But despite this, there will be plenty of chances to profit... Read More
Our expert analyst sees more than a few red flags that we need to be aware of. But despite this, there will be plenty of chances to profit... Read More
Earlier this week, I told you that my colleague Jimmy Butts and his team over at Top Stock Advisor just released their latest annual report of predictions for the coming year. We plan to cover these predictions in more detail in the weeks ahead, but first I wanted to… Read More
Full of thought-provoking predictions and insights, this report could be the most profitable thing you read all year... Read More
Full of thought-provoking predictions and insights, this report could be the most profitable thing you read all year... Read More
It’s that time of year again, folks. If you’re a longtime reader, then chances are you know exactly what I’m talking about… I’ll cut straight to the chase: I’m talking about our annual predictions report. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. This is perhaps the most hotly-anticipated,… Read More
Investors are up against a lot if they want to achieve a successful retirement. The question is... what are you going to do about it? Read More
Investors are up against a lot if they want to achieve a successful retirement. The question is... what are you going to do about it? Read More
Well Christmas has come and gone. I hope you had a good one, and that you were able to enjoy some time with loved ones. As for the market, Santa did indeed come a little late this year. Investors were able to shake off fears of the Omicrom variant, sending… Read More
If you’re looking to mitigate your risk in the market while still pocketing some income, then you’re in luck... Read More
If you’re looking to mitigate your risk in the market while still pocketing some income, then you’re in luck... Read More
Fair warning before we begin today’s issue. It’s going to be a little on the dry side. That’s because in addition to a few economic data points to sift through, the Federal Reserve just concluded its December policy meeting and signaled some big changes for next year. But I’ve decided… Read More