I’m often amazed at how short-sighted the pundits on Wall Street can be. Present them with nearly a century’s worth of facts and they still refuse to believe what’s right in front of their faces. #-ad_banner-#Specifically, I’m talking about the power of relative-strength investing. Longtime readers might already be familiar with relative-strength investing. We’ve talked about it before in previous StreetAuthority Daily issues. But for those who need a refresher, allow me to provide a brief recap. If used correctly, this strategy could be the very thing that helps you land your next 100%-plus return. I find it funny that… Read More
I’m often amazed at how short-sighted the pundits on Wall Street can be. Present them with nearly a century’s worth of facts and they still refuse to believe what’s right in front of their faces. #-ad_banner-#Specifically, I’m talking about the power of relative-strength investing. Longtime readers might already be familiar with relative-strength investing. We’ve talked about it before in previous StreetAuthority Daily issues. But for those who need a refresher, allow me to provide a brief recap. If used correctly, this strategy could be the very thing that helps you land your next 100%-plus return. I find it funny that when it comes to purchasing material items, people always seem to go with the latest craze or the hottest new products — yet the same can’t be said for buying and selling stocks. The notion of buying the best-selling new gadget, clothes or automobile seems like common sense to consumers. But here’s the ironic part, if you take this same concept and bring it into the investing world, many on Wall Street will simply scoff at you. Most have long considered the idea of buying the best performing stocks as “thoughtless” or “foolish.”… Read More