Investing in value stocks often means making counterintuitive decisions. We buy when everyone is selling and staying far away. #-ad_banner-#Experienced investors know this as a truism, but it seems downright silly if you compare it to other situations. For example, if everyone is running away from a building, it probably makes sense to also keep away. You wouldn’t disregard the possible danger and rush in yourself, right? We have a built-in auto-response to stick with groups when facing the unknown. That crowd mentality is deeply ingrained in our psyche, and for good reason. That natural instinct to group… Read More
Investing in value stocks often means making counterintuitive decisions. We buy when everyone is selling and staying far away. #-ad_banner-#Experienced investors know this as a truism, but it seems downright silly if you compare it to other situations. For example, if everyone is running away from a building, it probably makes sense to also keep away. You wouldn’t disregard the possible danger and rush in yourself, right? We have a built-in auto-response to stick with groups when facing the unknown. That crowd mentality is deeply ingrained in our psyche, and for good reason. That natural instinct to group together has kept us alive throughout the evolution of our species — those who ignored it aren’t here today. The environment of the financial markets is not the wild savannah, however. If you invest like everyone around you, your performance will match everyone around you as well. You have to break free of the pack and realize that, to quote the movie “Men in Black”: “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals.” Following the crowd may give you a little peace of mind in the moment, but it’s unlikely to profit you in the long run. Buying… Read More